Parent Document

A document can be created inside a directory that is under version control:

$ doorstop create REQ ./reqs
created document: REQ (@/reqs)

Note: Only one root parent requirements document is allowed per version controlled directory.

Items can be added to the document and edited:

$ doorstop add REQ
added item: REQ001 (@/reqs/REQ001.yml)

$ doorstop edit REQ1
opened item: REQ001 (@/reqs/REQ001.yml)

Child Documents

Additional documents can be created that link to other documents:

$ doorstop create TST ./reqs/tests --parent REQ
created document: TST (@/reqs/tests)

Items can be added and linked to parent items:

$ doorstop add TST
added item: TST001 (@/reqs/tests/TST001.yml)

$ doorstop link TST1 REQ1
linked item: TST001 (@/reqs/tests/TST001.yml) -> REQ001 (@/reqs/REQ001.yml)

It is not allowed to create links which would end up in a self reference or cyclic dependency.

Add Items with Custom Default Attributes

Items can be added to documents with custom default values for attributes specified by the command line:

$ doorstop add -d defaults.yml REQ
building tree...
added item: REQ001 (@/reqs/REQ001.yml)

$ doorstop publish REQ
building tree...
1.0     REQ001

        My default text.


text: 'My default text.'

The command line specified default values override values from the document configuration.

Document Configuration

The settings and attribute options of each document are stored in a corresponding .doorstop.yml file. Some configuration options can be set via doorstop create command line parameters such as the document prefix, the item UID digits, and the parent prefix. Others can only be changed by manually editing the configuration file. The list of options follows:

  • settings

  • digits: defines the number of digits in an item UID. The default value is 3. Optionally, you can set it through the -d command line option of the doorstop create command. It is a mandatory and read-only document setting.

  • parent: defines the parent document prefix. You set it through the -p command line option of the doorstop create command. It is an optional and read-only document setting.

  • prefix: defines the document prefix. You set it through the prefix of the doorstop create command. It is a mandatory and read-only document setting.

  • sep: defines the separator between the document prefix and the number in an item UID. The default value is the empty string. You have to set it manually before an item is created. Afterwards, it should be considered as read-only. This document setting is mandatory.

  • attributes

  • defaults: defines the defaults for extended attributes. This is an optional document configuration option.

  • reviewed: defines which extended attributes contribute to the item fingerprint. This is an optional document configuration option.

In the document configuration files, you can include other YAML files through a value tagged with !include. The path to the included file is always relative to the directory of the file with the include tag. Absolute paths are not supported. Please have a look at this example:


  digits: 3
  prefix: REQ
  sep: ''
    text: !include path/to/file.yml


  Some template text, which may
  have several